Friday, December 16, 2005

Fennel and Goat Cheese Omelet

I'm off to Argentina for Christmas. I'll be giving some cooking lessons down there and seeing lots of family. Not to mention getting delicious Argentine recipes and gorging myself on Dulce de Leche. Mmmmmmm.... On a very random note, I'll leave you all with an omelet I made yesterday.

Fennel and Goat Cheese Omelet
Olive oil
.5 bulb fennel
.5 small onion
2 Tbs goat cheese
2 eggs
1 Tbs half and half, cream or milk

Sauté onion and fennel in a little olive oil until browned and soft (10-15 min) Add a Tbs of water if it starts to get dry. Remove from pan. Whisk two eggs with some salt, pepper and half and half and add pour in to hot, buttered omelet pan. Mix around until it starts to set and then add onions, fennel and goat cheese to one side of the omelet. Flip it over, cook 30 sec to one min more and then flip on to plate. That's good.


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jack said...

hmmmmm...never tried goat cheese, i'll have to check it out. Be sure to review restaurants at !!